The limited liability company, known in Indonesia as Perseroan Terbatas Penanaman Modal Asing (abbreviated PT PMA) owns the land lease for 80 years and executes the building. This type of company in Indonesia is 100% foreign owned and does not need to be associated with a local person. We started our project in December 2019 when we found this great plot of land in Kuta Lombok. We are looking to fund the two remaining villas and the goal is to have them built and ready to rent by August 2024, to be ready for the Motor GP and X-mas season.
If you want to receive the business plan and the corresponding dossier with all the documentation, leave us a message so that we can send you the confidentiality agreement, which we make you sign as a company policy in order to preserve our work. We will send it to you immediately.
We will be delighted to organise a video or audio chat so we can explain the whole project in detail and answer your questions.
CEO / Founder
Lynda Real

Lynda's passion for surfing brought her to South Lombok where you can find among the best surf spots in the world. She has a master in business, experience in the hospitality service, as a brand manager for international companies and is the CEO and commercial director of Aloha Villas.
CBO / Founder
Marc Gysin

Marc studied computer science and economics before he followed his passion to be a photographer and director for luxury watch brands, which he also consults in branding and marketing. He tries to surf but prefers to relax on one of the pristine beaches in the Lombok area.
vacation rental, holiday rental, vacation rental